RDM in the PhD development cycle

Getting started


Before you begin

Supervisor to-do list

  1. Get inspired by peer PhD supervisors stories (watch the video below)

  2. Get familiar with the TU Delft policies

  3. Get familiar with the support you have

  4. Bookmark the Library RDM website

Get inspired!

Why is good research data and software management so important? And how do PhD candidates think supervisors can best support them in their trajectory? Let's listen to their stories:

Why is data and software management important in research?
Why should a supervisor dedicate time to embed best practices?
What are the benefits for a supervisor and their research group?
How can you start implementing research data and software management practices?
Five golden tips from your fellow supervisors
What were your challenges regarding research data & software management?
How can supervisors support PhD's regarding research data & software management?

Share your feedback

Do you have suggestions to improve the guide? Do you have relevant resources to share that should be added to the guide? Please contact us!